Sunday, February 16, 2025

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CDC attributes surge in McDonald’s E. coli cases to slivered onions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported an outbreak of E. coli linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounders, with the number of cases rising to 90. The likely source of the outbreak is slivered onions used on the burgers. McDonald’s has pulled all Quarter Pounders from affected states and the CDC says the public risk is very low. One person has died and 27 have been hospitalized, with two cases of a rare kidney illness reported. A 15-year-old girl in Colorado developed the illness after eating at McDonald’s multiple times. The true number of cases is likely much higher than reported. Thirteen states have reported cases, with the FDA attributing the outbreak to slivered onions from Taylor Farms Colorado Springs. McDonald’s has stopped sourcing onions from the company and will sell the Quarter Pounder without onions in affected stores. Other restaurant chains in Colorado have removed onions from their menus as a precaution.

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