A groundbreaking technology developed by Dr. Goded Shahaf at the Rambam Heath Care Campus in South Lebanon has enabled unconscious patients to communicate using blinking. This innovative EyeCon System uses electrodes to detect brain waves and evaluate eye muscle contractions, allowing patients to indicate their level of awareness and advance towards consciousness. An inspiring case at Rambam involved an IDF soldier who had been unconscious for a month due to severe head injuries, but successfully communicated with doctors and even requested a drink of water using this technology.
Recent studies, including one published in the New England Journal of Medicine, have shown that a significant number of unresponsive patients have higher levels of consciousness than previously thought. The EyeCon technology has proven effective in rehabilitating such patients, allowing them to communicate with their surroundings and regain independence. By using music, cognitive assessments, and a communication board, patients are able to express their wants and needs through blinking and other responses.
This technology has provided families with hope and a lifeline, allowing for significant rehabilitation and communication where previously there was none. The system empowers families to lead the rehabilitation process and monitor the patient’s progress, leading to improved outcomes and a new path towards independence for previously unresponsive patients. Dr. Shahaf and his team have truly revolutionized the way unconscious patients are treated, offering a glimmer of hope for those who may have seemed beyond recovery.
Photo credit www.ynetnews.com